Page 191 - Week 01 - Thursday, 16 February 2006

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Members will recall that I presaged the possibility of this bill in this place in November last year. At that time I informed members of a temporary solution achieved in relation to accident insurance for jockeys racing in the ACT. I further advised that negotiations were under way to secure an agreement between the Canberra Racing Club and RacingNSW under which RacingNSW would extend the accidents compensation insurance it provides to jockeys racing in New South Wales to jockeys, apprentices and approved riders performing racing, track work or barrier trials in the ACT.

I am pleased to report to the Assembly that on 19 December 2005 the board of RacingNSW decided to extend the insurance I have outlined to jockeys, apprentices and approved riders performing racing, track work and barrier trials in the ACT. Negotiations are under way between Canberra Racing Club and RacingNSW to finalise contractual elements of the arrangement following that approval.

Accidents compensation insurance is a very expensive proposition, particularly in cases where the insured activity is inherently dangerous. This arrangement, if properly finalised by both parties, will save the Canberra Racing Club a significant amount of money—in excess of $600,000 in insurance premium costs per year.

The bill, actually an amendment to the Racing Act 1999, is necessary to provide RacingNSW with the requisite status it needs in the ACT for the limited purpose of extending the benefits of its insurance cover to the class of individuals that I have described. The bill establishes a legislative platform under which the status may be conferred and, if necessary, revoked. I commend the bill to the Assembly.

Debate (on motion by Mr Mulcahy) adjourned to the next sitting.

Construction Occupations Legislation Amendment Bill 2006

Mr Corbell, pursuant to notice, presented the bill, its explanatory statement and a Human Rights Act compatibility statement.

Title read by Clerk

MR CORBELL (Molonglo—Minister for Health and Minister for Planning) (10.46): I move:

That this bill be agreed to in principle.

The Construction Occupations Legislation Amendment Bill 2006 amends a number of acts and regulations relating to the licensing regulation of construction occupations. The bill introduces initiatives which will provide new opportunities for people employed in the local plumbing industry, will recognise a national building product certification scheme and will make provision to allow for the recognition of national plumbing standards. The bill will also make several other changes to building and construction laws to clarify certain points relating to disciplinary procedures and to insert certain defences for partnerships that will make the existing legislation more compliant with the ACT Human Rights Act.

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