Tuesday, 17 August 1993
Tuggeranong Homestead
Offences of violence against women and children
Tobacco smoke
Dual occupancy development
Questions without notice:
Speeding offences - prosecutions
Government Service - redundancy payment
ACTTAB - turnover
Small business
Canberra Times - distribution
Kurrajong Hotel
Public landscapes - plant species
Quarterly financial statement and Treasurer's Advance
Government Service - quarterly staffing analysis (Ministerial statement)
Subordinate legislation and commencement provisions
Legislative Assembly (Members' Staff) Act - determinations (Ministerial statement)
Legislation program - budget sittings 1993 (Ministerial statement)
Hospice - Acton Peninsula (Matter of public importance)
Scrutiny of Bills and Subordinate Legislation - standing committee
Planning, Development and Infrastructure - standing committee
Planning, Development and Infrastructure - standing committee
Planning, Development and Infrastructure - standing committee
Land (Planning and Environment) Act - variations to the Territory Plan
(Ministerial statement)
Postponement of order of the day
Interpretation (Amendment) Bill 1993
Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Amendment) Bill 1993
Canberra in the Year 2020 study
Interpretation (Amendment) Bill (No 2) 1993
Arts Revision (Position of Crown) Bill 1993
Answers to questions:
Hospitals - bed closures (Question No 514)
Government Service - home-garaged vehicles (Question No 641)
ACT Administration Centre building (Question No 689)
Griffith Primary School - closure (Question No 692)
Legislative Assembly members and staff - interstate travel (Question No 710)
Acton Peninsula buildings (Question No 727)
Bruce Hostel buildings (Question No 728)
Bruce Hostel buildings (Question No 729)
Hospice - Acton Peninsula (Question No 730)
Health Promotion Fund (Question No 733)
Housing Trust properties - Kingston (Question No 734)
Primary schools - sport (Question No 735)
Teachers - enterprise agreement (Question No 736)
School based management (Question No 737)
School performance review and development (Question No 738)
Government Service - trade waste removal (Question No 739)
Housing Trust properties - management problems (Question No 740)
Housing Trust - rental rebates and rent relief (Question No 741)
Teachers - recruitment (Question No 742)
Housing Trust properties - heating stoves (Question No 743)
Health Promotion Fund (Question No 748)
Health Promotion Fund (Question No 750)
School of Music - carparks (Question No 752)
Health Promotion Fund Advisory Committee (Question No 753)
Housing Trust properties - management costs (Question No 754)
Speaker - media monitoring expenditure (Question No 755)
Wastewatch hotline (Question No 756)
Minister for Sport - media monitoring expenditure (Question No 757)
Chief Minister - media monitoring expenditure (Question No 758)
Attorney-General - media monitoring expenditure (Question No 759)
Minister for Education and Training - media monitoring
expenditure (Question No 760)
Prosecution statistics (Question No 761)
Minister for Health - media monitoring expenditure (Question No 762)
Minister for Industrial Relations - media monitoring
expenditure (Question No 763)
Treasurer - media monitoring expenditure (Question No 764)
Minister for Urban Services - media monitoring expenditure
(Question No 765)
Minister for Housing and Community Services media monitoring expenditure (Question No 766)
Minister for the Arts - media monitoring expenditure (Question No 767)
Minister for the Environment, Land and Planning media monitoring expenditure (Question No 768)
Housing Trust properties - fire damage (Question No 769)
Office of Sport and Recreation - office accommodation (Question No 772)
Housing Trust properties - Burnie Court (Question No 777)
Housing Trust properties - special allocations (Question No 782)
Housing Trust properties - Burnie Court (Question No 785)
Tuggeranong - crime statistics (Question No 786)
Separate public service (Question No 787)
Government Service - compensation payments (Question No 788)
Stamp duty - Qantas acquisition of Australian Airlines (Question No 789)
Housing Trust properties - East Bonython (Question No 790)
Government buildings - building code exemptions (Question No 794)
Cotter Dam - recreational fishing (Question No 796)
Ecotourism (Question No 797)
Tuggeranong swimming centre (Question No 798)
Ainslie property - purchase by co-operative housing organisation
(Question No 802)
Academy of Sport - overseas travel by executive officer (Question No 803)
Academy of Sport - swimming program (Question No 804)
Academy of Sport (Question No 805)
Wednesday, 18 August 1993
Police Offences (Amendment) Bill 1993
Title of committee presiding members and deputy presiding members
Questions without notice:
Separate public service
Housing development - North Duffy-Holder and North Watson
Roads funding
School sport
Health budget
Education budget
Noise pollution - Manuka
Roads funding
Education budget
Federal budget - ACT consequences (Matter of public importance)
Gaming Machine (Amendment) Bill 1993
Postponement of order of the day
Drugs of Dependence (Amendment) Bill (No 3) 1993
Landlord and Tenant (Amendment) Bill 1993
YWCA appeal
Band festival
Thursday, 19 August 1993
Ozone Protection (Amendment) Bill 1993
Appropriation (ACT Forests Trust Account) Bill 1993
Estimates 1993-94 - select committee
Public Accounts - standing committee
Conservation, Heritage and Environment - standing committee
Legal Affairs - standing committee
Planning, Development and Infrastructure - standing committee
Executive business - precedence
Motor Traffic (Amendment) Bill 1993 [No 2]
Magistrates Court (Amendment) Bill (No 2) 1993
Motor Traffic (Alcohol and Drugs) (Amendment) Bill (No 2) 1993
Postponement of orders of the day
Fire Brigade (Administration) (Amendment) Bill 1993
Trustee Companies (Amendment) Bill 1993
Questions without notice:
AIDS funding State accounts
Health complaints unit
Adult literacy programs
Betterment tax
Separate public service: Age discrimination
Government vehicles - fuel costs
State trading enterprises
Woden bus interchange
Excise and franchise fees
Literacy - Government notices
Methadone program
Answers to questions without notice
Government school census - teacher transfers
Auditor-General's report No 4 of 1993
Australian Health Ministers Conference
National Food Standards Council
Ministerial Council on Drug Strategy (Ministerial statement)
Auditor-General's report No 4 of 1993
Vaccination and immunisation programs (Matter of public importance)
Gaming Machine (Amendment) Bill 1993
Taxation (Administration) (Amendment) Bill 1993
Land (Planning and Environment) Act
West Belconnen environmental impact statement
Tourism Commission - advisory board
Adjournment: Motor vehicle fleet