Page 2499 - Week 08 - Thursday, 19 August 1993

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in 1955 to provide financial accountability for the ACT forestry operation. With the passage of time and with self-government, it is considered appropriate to establish a new trust account to reflect the up-to-date arrangements for the ACT forestry operations and a more accountable style of government than was perhaps available in 1955. The new trust account will be established under the Audit Act 1989 of this Assembly. The Bill now before the Assembly will facilitate the transfer of funds from the old trust account to the new trust account and provide for the necessary transitional arrangements. Madam Speaker, I table the explanatory memorandum.

Debate (on motion by Mr Kaine) adjourned.

Proposed Alteration to Resolu
tion of Appointment

MRS CARNELL (Leader of the Opposition) (10.38): I move:

That paragraph (1) of the resolution of the Assembly of 17 June 1993 appointing a Select Committee on Estimates 1993-94 be amended by adding at the end "and any revenue measures proposed by the Government in the 1993 Budget".

This is a very simple motion which officially allows members to ask questions on revenue during Estimate Committee hearings as well as to ask questions on expenditure. I realise that, to date, questions on revenue have been allowed in practice, as they are in the Senate estimates hearings. But it has come to my attention, especially in the light of what is likely to be a very tight ACT budget, that we may be ruled out of order if we ask questions on revenue. It seems logical to me that, if one is testing the accountability of government over its budget, to ask questions on where the money is coming from, not just how it is being spent, is wholly necessary and very sensible. For example, if we are intending to spend extra money on a particular program in education, health, or whatever, it follows that we can reasonably ask the Government where they will be getting the money from - - -

Mr Berry: This is a joke. It is a joke. What a joke you lot are!

MRS CARNELL: No, it is not, not at all. It is simply an insurance policy to allow members the freedom to ask questions in the revenue area, should they need to. This is just a simple technical change to extend the terms of reference of the Select Committee on Estimates 1993-94. It will benefit all members of this Assembly who are not Ministers, and I urge you all to agree to this motion.

Debate (on motion by Ms Follett) adjourned.

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