Page 2308 - Week 08 - Tuesday, 17 August 1993

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I would like also to endorse the comments made by Mr Kaine. Usually when Mr Kaine gets up on his feet he makes a lot of sense. He says that there is concern out there in the community about all sorts of issues relating to planning. There is no doubt about that. People get together and compare notes. Once again, I say that people should realise that if governments, oppositions or members of this Assembly do not happen to agree with them it does not mean that we are doing something wrong. As long as they are satisfied that the consultation process exists and is fair, I think that governments ought to go ahead and make decisions that need to be made.

The Belconnen Golf Club development - and I will finish with these remarks - is a most sensible development that has been the subject of most stringent consultation. I would like to congratulate the developer, because the developer has gone out of his way to make sure that everything is hunky-dory, that everything is done above board and that all planning and siting requirements have been adhered to. In fact, I think he has gone a step further in the way he has consulted with the members of the committee and given them quality information. He has bent over backwards. People who say anything against the consultation process on the development do not know what they are talking about. They have had adequate consultation. It is a very fine development, and I endorse the comments made by fellow members of the committee.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

Papers and Ministerial Statement

MR WOOD (Minister for Education and Training, Minister for the Arts and Minister for the Environment, Land and Planning): Madam Speaker, having considered the matter passed to me by the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Committee, and the Government having considered it - - -

Mr Kaine: This is very quick consideration, Minister.

MR WOOD: We have had it for a little time. For the information of members, I present an approval of a variation to the Territory Plan for Holt, section 98, block 5, Belconnen golf course, and a variation to the Territory Plan to amend formal errors, pursuant to section 29 of the Land (Planning and Environment) Act 1991. In accordance with the provisions of the Act, these variations are tabled with the background papers, a copy of the summaries and reports, and a copy of any direction or report required. I seek leave to make a statement.

Leave granted.

MR WOOD: Madam Speaker, at the outset let me thank Mr Kaine and Mr Lamont for the specific remarks they made. Mr Kaine, in commenting on the document correcting some of the errors in the Territory Plan, indicated that the planners really went through the plan in great detail, very meticulously looking for any errors. Bear in mind that the plan was completed under enormous pressure to meet deadlines. I thank Mr Kaine for recognising that and for

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