Page 2388 - Week 08 - Tuesday, 17 August 1993
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Legislative Assembly Question No. 786
Tuggeranong - Crime Statistics
Mr De Domenico: To ask the Minister for Urban Services
(1) How many cars have been stolen in the Tuggeranong district since 26 May 1993.
(2) How many assaults have been reported in Tuggeranong since 26 May 1993.
(3) How many residential burglaries have been reported in Tuggeranong during the
same period.
(4) What .is the breakdown by suburb.
(5) Have police had complaints about underage drinking in the Tuggeranong Town
Centre in the past few weeks; if so, has anyone been charged.
(6) Have there been reports of car damage in the Tuggeranong Town Centre.
(7) How do the above figures compare with figures for the same time last year.
(8) Is it true that off-duty police offered to be in the Tuggeranong Town Centre on the
weekend from Friday, 4 June 1993 - knowing that there may be trouble.
(9) Why wasnt the media and the public informed of the trouble in Tuggeranong on
Friday, 4 June 1993.
Mr Connolly: the answer to Mr De Domenicos question is as follows:
Note: the figures listed below have been taken from the Australian Federal Police COPS (Computerised On-line Police System) database, as at 18 June 1993, and arc based on incidents reported to or attended by police. Incidents relate to a request for police attendance and do not necessarily mean that an offence or a crime has been committed. It cannot be determined if an incident involves an offence, or a crime, until investigating officers have attended the location and had the chance to assess the situation.
(1) Stolen Motor Vehicle Incidents
26 Mav - 15 June
Suburb 1992 1993
Calwell - 2
Chisholm 1 1
Fadden - 2
Gowrie - 1
Greenway 2 4
Kambah - 6
Richardson 1
Wanniassa - 3
4 19
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