Page 2512 - Week 08 - Thursday, 19 August 1993
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There is one trustee company presently operating in the Australian Capital Territory which has recently changed its ownership and wishes to change its name. That highlighted the potential problem here. We are aware of at least two other trustee companies operating in the ACT which have recently changed their ownership and where the parent body is likely to wish to use the parent corporate identity for their ACT offshoot. It would seem to be sensible to allow those changes to occur more smoothly, rather than having to approach this Assembly on each occasion and introduce a specific Bill saying that the name of company A is deleted from the schedule and the name of company B is included. So it is a sensible machinery measure.
I thank the Opposition for their support. We have seen remarkable cooperation this morning in this Assembly between the Government and the Opposition, where we have all agreed to various sensible measures. This means that material we thought would take hours has taken only minutes. I thank the Opposition for their cooperation.
Mr Humphries: Dennis is not here.
MR CONNOLLY: That is true; one member is noticeably absent. In order to prevent any suggestion that the Government has been remiss in not having sufficient business, the Fire Brigade (Administration) (Amendment) Bill, which we just ticked through, would have provided the opportunity for a stoush on issues of fire versus police versus the rest. The sensible course was taken and we put it through, but it is difficult to predict the speed with which these things will be dealt with. The Opposition is being sensible, and whenever the Opposition agrees with the Government we will give you credit for being sensible in so agreeing.
Question resolved in the affirmative.
Bill agreed to in principle.
Leave granted to dispense with the detail stage.
Bill agreed to.
Sitting suspended from 11.25 am to 2.30 pm
AIDS Funding
MRS CARNELL: My question is to the Treasurer. Ms Follett, yesterday in the house you claimed that AIDS funding from the Commonwealth had increased, when in fact it has decreased by $12,000 for the ACT. Ms Follett, did you mislead the Assembly yesterday?
MS FOLLETT: I thank Mrs Carnell for the question. I can certainly say that I have not misled the Assembly. I might defer to the Minister for Health in answering that question.
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