Tuesday, 20 February 1990
Questions without notice:
Zero-based budgeting
Planning leases
Directives to government employees
Public asset sales
Public housing
Executive Deputies' duties
Child abuse clinic
Planning leases
Funding priorities
Borrowing restrictions
Ministerial council meetings
Borrowing requirements
Women in the Public Service
Bicycle helmets
ACT government employees
Hospital planning
Flooding in Theodore
Status of women
Proceedings - authority to record broadcast and photograph
Asbestos removal program (Ministerial statement)
Suspension of standing and temporary orders
Social justice issues (Matter of public importance)
Tenancy of commercial premises - select committee report
Motor Vehicles (Dimensions and Mass) Bill 1990
Federal Labor government
Federal election
Adjournment debates
Health services
Human rights violations in Vietnam
Wednesday, 21 February 1990
Publications Control Amendment Bill 1990 [No 2]
Transfer of policing - proposed select committee
Questions without notice:
Recording of Question time
Shop leases - Downer
Tourist Commission
Assembly Members' behaviour
Police force
Publications Control (Amendment) Bill 1990
Health promotion
Planning - leases
Wealth tax
Very fast train
Bruce Stadium
Tuggeranong - Calwell group centre site
Child-care facilities
Asbestos storage
Gowrie Hostel
Schools Authority - 1989-90 report (Ministerial statement and paper)
Sports policy (Matter of public importance)
Postponement of orders of the day
Thursday, 22 February 1990
Public behaviour - social policy standing committee report
HIV illegal drugs and prostitution - select committee
Planning and heritage - draft legislation (Ministerial statement)
Domestic Violence (Amendment) Bill 1990
Scrutiny of Bills and Subordinate Legislation - select committee
Questions without notice:
Expenditure cuts
Hazardous toys
Asbestos storage
Influenza epidemic
Planning legislation
National capital plan
Environmental education
ACT risk insurance
Mr Speaker
Multicultural policy
Ministerial propriety
Asbestos removal
Executive Deputies
Executive Deputies
Civic Square redevelopment
Legislative Assembly precincts
Question without notice: Asbestos storage
Canberra leasehold system (Matter of public importance)
Motor Traffic (Amendment) Bill (No 2) 1990
Motor Traffic (Amendment) Rill (No 2) 1990
Suspension of standing and temporary/orders
Qualifications of candidates - federal election