Page 505 - Week 02 - Thursday, 22 February 1990

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and they were supported such that the matters were looked at on my advice, quite properly, by the Director of Public Prosecutions. An opinion was issued, but it is not proper for me to mention that opinion. I assure members of the house that the concerns that I raised in relation to those matters were sufficient to cause proper and prudent examination of those issues, particularly those administrative ones that gave rise to the suggestion and perception of partiality.

I believe it was quite proper. A subsequent poll in the Canberra Times showed that there was strong support for some recognition of our vulnerability in society in terms of the need for the Administration to be under strict purview in its dealings with matters of high fiscal impact.

Mr Whalan imputed to me a suggestion that Mr Hedley charged outrageous rents. "Outrageous" was Mr Whalan's word. I have never used it; it is not in the Hansard, and I refute that.

In summary, the leasehold system is complex. It is a great challenge to this Government, and we are not afraid to tackle those issues. We will tackle them. Certainly in terms of the administration of the public service we look to evolving a sense of joint endeavour with the public service, which I am afraid the Australian Labor Party was unable to get out of the service in its time in office. It did not enjoy, as it thinks, the complete and absolute confidence of all the people of the Territory. I think the vote that went to the Residents Rally in the election pointed that up quite clearly.

Questions of the leasehold system being preserved and of what the Rally perceived as too close dealings at times secured support at the poll. I think it is the people who count in these debates, not the rhetoric that Mr Whalan used. It is regrettable that he chose to dredge up that issue which I had put aside. I believe my appointment of Mr Hedley to the Gaming and Liquor Authority is clear evidence of the fact that that issue has been put aside.

MR SPEAKER: Order! The time for this debate has now expired. I draw members' attention to the fact that from now on, with the approval of the Assembly, in any timed debate the time remaining for that debate will be shown on the clock during the last speech, so that the speaker can regulate the speech according to the time remaining.


Debate resumed from 13 February 1990, on motion by Mr Duby:

That this Bill be agreed to in principle.

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