Page 466 - Week 02 - Thursday, 22 February 1990
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these provisions, have licences under the existing Gun Licence Act 1937 in respect of weapons, including prohibited weapons, to enable them to comply with the new requirements.
The Government is confident that the vast majority of the ACT population which owns and uses firearms is made up of responsible and concerned people and the proposals contained in this Bill will not hinder them in using their weapons. On the other hand, the comprehensive requirements of this Bill will satisfy the quite justified concerns of the general community that dangerous weapons are being controlled and that the ACT will have adequate checks on who can obtain and use such weapons.
In recognition of the significance of the issue of weapons control in the community, the Government intends to establish administratively, a Weapons Control Advisory Committee, which will monitor the effectiveness of the provisions contained in this Bill and weapons control in the Territory generally. The committee will be able to make recommendations for change where it sees a need. This will provide a ready mechanism for ensuring that this controlling legislation remains relevant and reflects community needs. Mr Speaker, I present the explanatory memorandum for the Bill.
Debate (on motion by Ms Follett) adjourned.
MR COLLAERY (Attorney-General) (11.50): I present the Domestic Violence (Amendment) Bill 1990. I move:
That this Bill be agreed to in principle.
This Bill amends the Domestic Violence Act 1986 and is a consequence of the reforms in the area of weapon possession and usage contained in the Weapons Bill 1990 which this Government has just introduced. The Domestic Violence Act 1986 seeks to protect spouses and children from the effects of domestic violence through the imposition of protection orders where a person is engaged or has threatened to engage in conduct which would amount to a domestic violence offence.
The Bill is designed to control licensed weapons in cases where licensees themselves become subject to protection orders under the Domestic Violence Act 1986. In that situation, licences will be cancelled unless the court is satisfied that cancellation is not necessary. Where an interim protection order is made, the court may suspend a licence for the duration of the order. In both cases the court may order the seizure of a weapon.
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