Page 289 - Week 02 - Tuesday, 20 February 1990

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I thank Ms Maher for her question and can assure her that the Government will place a high priority on children's health.

Planning Leases

MR MOORE: My question is to the Chief Minister as Minister for Planning, and I again refer to block 2 section 52. Chief Minister, can you tell us whether the Government considers that 8,000 metres of office space, as reported in the Canberra Times this morning, is an acceptable component of the hotel development.

MR KAINE: As far as I understand it the original proposal, and the one which the Government is working to, is a proposal for a hotel. There is no question of 8,000 metres of office space, as far as I am aware, but I will check that and take that part on notice, if you wish, Mr Moore.

MR MOORE: Yes, thank you.

Funding Priorities

MR BERRY: My question is directed to the Chief Minister in his capacity as Treasurer. Is the Government intending to construct a gaol for the ACT as indicated by the Deputy Chief Minister, Mr Collaery? Given your indication that $30m funding for the VFT will be given priority, what funding priority will be given to the gaol, particularly in relation to the funding for hospital restructuring?

MR KAINE: Mr Berry does ask some curious questions. First of all, there is no commitment on the part of the ACT Government for the VFT, and I have made that quite clear. In case you did not hear, I will repeat it. The consultant's report talks about the possibility of the ACT having to incur a cost of $30m. I have made it quite clear on several occasions that this does not refer to the ACT Government. If that cost eventually falls to the ACT, how it will be apportioned - whether all or any of it will fall to the ACT Government - remains to be negotiated. In connection with the gaol, if we ever have a gaol - - -

Mr Berry: Mr Collaery said you would have one. You have changed your mind.

MR KAINE: Mr Speaker, if Mr Berry wants to answer his own question, I am quite happy to sit down but, of course, he does not really want to hear the answer to the question. He just wants to hear his own voice asking it. The Government's policy is that in the longer term we may need to construct a gaol for low intensity and medium intensity security prisoners. There is no commitment to do it this year or next year. It is a long-term plan, based on the

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