Page 510 - Week 02 - Thursday, 22 February 1990

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accidents on bicycles. Some of them are - and the Australian Labor Party here should take these to heart - the incorrect position, facing in the wrong direction, lack of steering control and a zig-zag approach. Those are all problems that I believe are pertinent to this debate.

Mrs Grassby: Is that how you drive, Mr Collaery?

MR COLLAERY: And as well, Mrs Grassby, there is only one form of motorcycle riding where the rider's head is not the highest point in the progress forward and that, of course, refers to the rump of the Labor Party. Mr Speaker, the Bill is well conceived: it recognises the joint aspirations of the community. Certainly it has to be matched with proper and efficient road engineering delivered in great style by my colleague, Mr Duby, and his department. For those of us who have ridden bikes, road engineering is very important. When I ride a bike, Mrs Grassby, my head is at the highest point.

MR DUBY (Minister for Finance and Urban Services) (4.37): Mr Speaker, it gives me great pleasure to realise that this piece of legislation has the support of every member in this Assembly. Whilst we have had a bit of banter amongst ourselves, the fact is we all recognise the very serious nature of motorcycle training and the horrific costs that it imposes upon the community, not only in monetary but also in social terms. As I said earlier when I introduced this Bill, and as Mrs Grassby has reiterated, even if one life is saved it has been of great benefit to the ACT community. I welcome the support.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

Bill agreed to in principle.

Leave granted to dispense with the detail stage.

Bill agreed to.


MR STEVENSON (4.38): Mr Speaker, I seek leave to make a statement for 10 minutes.

Leave not granted.

Motion by (Mr Collaery) proposed:

That so much of the standing and temporary orders be suspended as would prevent Mr Stevenson making a statement to the Assembly for a maximum duration of 10 minutes.

MR BERRY (4.39): I assume that Mr Collaery is not going to speak to the motion, so I intend to speak in opposition to

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