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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 9 Hansard (29 August) . . Page.. 2861 ..

Information sought in relation to question (6) (b) to (e) is set out below:-

Agency Number Retiring Total Amount

With Special Benefit Paid

Chief Executive SES

Auditor General's Office Nil Nil

Chief Minister's 2 5 $489 241

Health and Community Care 1 Staffing not $102 696

Business, the Arts, Sport and Tourism 1 Staffing not $95 850

Urban Services Nil 2 $210 111

Attorney General's Staffing not finalised

Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions Staffing not finalised

Education and Training 1 $55 369

Canberra Institute of Technology Nil

(7) What are the names of the officers (a) who were appointed to SES/Executive Officer positions from outside the ACT Public Service; and (b) in each case, who was the officer 's immediate past employer.

Name Agency Immediate Previous Employer

Mark Baker Department of Business, the Arts,

Sport and Tourism Advance Bank, Canberra

Gregory Burgess Department of Urban services Cth.Dept. of Admin. Services

David Butt Department of Health Qld. Health Department

Robert Cusack Department of Health Royal Prince Alfred Hospital

Geoff Ellis Office of Financial Management, Landcom, NSW Dept. of Urban

Chief Minister's Department Affairs and Planning

Tim Keady Attorney General's Department NSW Ministry of Police

Gordon LeeKoo Department of Health Qld Health Department

Mick Lilley Office of Financial Management, NSW Dept. of Works and

Chief Minister's Department Services

Barbara Norman Department of Urban Services Consultant, Canberra

Michael Ockwell Office of Public Administration and NSW Dept. of Land and

Management,Chief Minister's Dept Conservation

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