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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 9 Hansard (29 August) . . Page.. 2862 ..

Name Agency Immediate Previous Employer

Michael Szwarcbord Department of Health NSW Dept. of Community Serv.

John Walker Chief Minister's NSW Dept. of Transport

Michael Wright Department of Urban Services Cth.Dept. of Admin. Services

Michael White Department of Education and Training Dept. of Community Health

Services, Tasmania

Jane Wolfe Department of Urban Services Cth.Aust. Govt. Survey Office

(8) In relation to SES Officers in the ACT Public Service who have not been offered Executive Officer contracts within the ACT Public Service, (a) what services are being provided to relocate them; (b) retrain them; and (c) at what cost.

(9) What are you doing to fulfil your commitment that unplaced SES officers would be offered jobs within the ACT public Service at the SOG B or SOG A level.

The legislation provides four options. (i) direct placement (ii) successful application following advertisement (iii) retirement with special benefit and (iv) transfer to an office

Co-ordination mechanisms are available through the Office of Public Administration and Management whereby counselling programs are made known to other agencies. Financial assistance is available for the counselling process and amounts of up to $300 are made available for assistance for the preparation of contracts. There is additional counselling available particularly if individuals choose to opt for retirement with special benefit. Career transitional counselling assistance is also available.

These amounts vary on a case by case basis but could be in the order of about $2 000.

(10) What commitment are you prepared to give that no further restructuring of the SES will occur over the next 12 months.

The Government recognises the level of restructuring which has occurred over the last 12 months particularly the redesign and resizing at Executive levels. The bulk of this redesign work is now completed. It is not expected that there will be significant further changes. This does not mean of course, that refinements will not continue to occur or that changes may be necessary arising from new policy initiatives from time to time.

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