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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 9 Hansard (29 August) . . Page.. 2860 ..

Office Salary Occupant Direct Interviews Term in Placement Years

Canberra Institute of Technology

Director $132 000 Vacant N Fisher statutory appt.


Deputy Director $113 000 D Blackmur Vacant

Business and International Services

Associate Director $ 76 000 M Kinsman Vacant

Corporate Services

General Manager $ 76 000 W Dickson Vacant

Under the provisions of the Public Sector Management (Amendment) Act 1995, all Executive offices may be filled on a contract basis for a maximum period of five years. Temporary vacancies during periods of leave, etc. are covered by the use of temporary contracts.

(5) When will each of the contracts for each of the SES/Executive Officer positions in the ACT Public Service be tabled in the Assembly.

In accordance with the requirements of the Public Sector Management Act 1995, contracts are to be tabled within six sitting days of the contract being made. It is expected that many of the contracts will be tabled in August.

(6) How long is the contract term for each of the SES/Executive Officer positions in the ACT public Service and, of these positions:

The length of the contract term is included in the table at Question 4 above.

(a) how long before each of these positions are filled permanently or on contract;

It is expected that, with the exception of Attorney General's Department, offers of contract employment will have been made for all offices by the end of August 1996. Attorney General's Department advertised their three senior Executive offices on 6 July 1996. Advertisement of other vacancies will occur subsequent to the filling of those offices.

(b) how many SES/Executive Officers have accepted redundancy packages and at what level were they employed at:

(c) which agency did the officer accepting a redundancy package work for:

(d) what was the cost of each redundancy package;

(e) what was the length of service of each SES officer who took a voluntary redundancy package.

It is considered inappropriate for this personal information to be provided. Instead, I have included the total amount paid as a special benefit by each agency.

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