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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 8 Hansard (27 June) . . Page.. 2556 ..

management of outdoor cafes. The Emergency Services Bureau is coordinating a review of responsibilities for occupancy loadings which will incorporate consideration of outdoor areas which are not currently applicable.

With regard to outside liquor licences the Government intends introducing an amendment to the Liquor Act, (along with the other amendments I spoke of earlier), which will allow the Liquor Licensing Registrar to determine occupancy loadings for outside areas, based on the availability and standard of facilities provided by the licensee.

With respect to the recommendation that all patrons on footpath facilities of licensed premises be seated, I note that the Liquor Licensing Board already possesses the power to require patrons to be seated in outdoor facilities if it is concerned about a licensee's irresponsible serving practices.

Police presence

The Committee recommended that police be present in Manuka on a 24 hour basis, possibly working from a local shopfront police station.

Members will be aware that I implemented an increased police presence in Manuka over the summer months. The Australian Federal Police have provided a full-time patrol in Manuka on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. These were the nights which the Committee and police alike identified as the problem times for Manuka.


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