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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 8 Hansard (27 June) . . Page.. 2557 ..

Private Security

The Committee believed that the patrolling of the street should remain a police function rather than be given over to private security. The Government endorses this view.

The Committee was also concerned about the non-registered status of ACT security personnel. At present there are no requirements for such staff to have received training or to have satisfied a criteria of non involvement in criminality. Given that safety in and around licensed premises is often dependent on such persons it is not unreasonable to expect that they meet basic professional criteria.

This matter has been under review in the ACT and my department is overseeing a committee which includes representatives of the security industry, to draw up a code of practice to be adopted by the industry. This code will cover such issues as recruitment guidelines, standards of training and disciplinary and accountability procedures.

Establish a community safety group

The ACT Community Safety Committee recommended that a local Manuka safety committee be formed to maintain the momentum already established. I am pleased to advise Members that local residents and business people have formed such a group and are already involved in safety initiatives in Manuka. The committee is a voluntary committee and not appointed by Government. Nevertheless, I recognise it as being representative of local feelings and the Chief Minister and I have already met with the Committee to listen to its views. I have also agreed that one of its members should hold a place on the Government appointed ACT Community Safety Committee.


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