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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 8 Hansard (27 June) . . Page.. 2555 ..

alcohol practices, Members are aware that the Government has introduced amendments to the Liquor Act 1975. These amendments relate to:

. The standard of proof for Liquor Licensing Board disciplinary matters will be that of "on the balance of probabilities";

. The Board will be able to issue directions for contraventions of the Act (and not just for contraventions of previous orders as is currently the case);

. New or transferring licensee applicants may be granted a licence conditional upon them completing an accredited responsible serving of alcohol course;

. Section 79 which covers the sale or supply of alcohol to intoxicated persons will be tightened to provide for clearer guidelines as to the indicators of intoxication; and

. in order to overcome the difficulty in prosecutions of proving that a beverage is in fact liquor, an averment provision will be introduced for offences by licensees, that a beverage purporting to contain liquor, through markings, or otherwise, is in fact liquor.

Footpath trading

Outdoor and pavement cafe and restaurant facilities are proving to be a popular feature of Canberra life. This Government wishes to encourage this aspect of the hospitality industry. Even so, when the facility is sited on public land we agree with the Committee that issues of safety and amenity should be addressed when deciding the use of outdoor licensed facilities.

Both the Department of Urban Services and the Registrar of Liquor Licensing liaise closely with respect to applications for footpath licensing.

The Department of Urban Services is working with relevant government agencies and the hospitality industry to create a strategy which addresses the


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