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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 8 Hansard (27 June) . . Page.. 2554 ..

The Assembly should also note that the Liquor Licensing Board has long had the power to curtail the trading hours of licensees who breach provisions of their licence.

Enforcement of the Liquor Act 1975

The Committee's recommendations with respect to a strict enforcement of the Liquor Act 1975 and the adoption of a coordinated approach to that enforcement by using the resources of the Australian Federal Police and the Liquor Licensing inspectors have been put into effect under a joint strategy which commenced on 1 December 1995 and included:

. the joint targeting of licensed premises;

. the implementation of a joint training program to promote more effective enforcement against licensees and delinquent patrons, including the use of the respective regimes of the Liquor Licensing Board and the Courts;

. regular and systemic exchange of tactical information to enable coordinated, and where appropriate, targeting of problem areas;

. a consistent and uniform approach to the investigation and instigation of disciplinary proceedings against liquor licensees and

. provisions requiring new and renewing licensees to undertake responsible serving of alcohol courses.

An enforcement committee comprising a senior officer from my department and from the AFP monitors the effectiveness of the enforcement strategy. This committee reports to me on a monthly basis and a detailed evaluation of the strategy is undertaken.

Further, to enable Liquor Licensing inspectors and police to enforce the spirit of the Liquor Act which, in part, promotes the responsible serving of


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