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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 3 Hansard (28 March) . . Page.. 855 ..


Government Response
Action taken
Dell 7.0

Residential Services must develop policy and procedures for the operation of their group homes and hostels.

See comments under Recommendation 2.6.

See comments against Recommendation 2.6.

Dell 7.1

Residential Services must develop a document of guidelines for the management of group homes and hostels for use in each facility. The role of the Committees of Management should be included in this document. The composition of these committees should include two residents from each house.

Refer to comments on Recommendation 2.6.

The role and structure of Committees of Management, including client involvement, will also be reviewed in the regional context.

Refer to comments on Recommendation 2.6.

The role and structure of Committees of Management will be considered in the near future when regional structures are established as a basis for these arrangements, and when resources are available to carry out these tasks..

Dell 7.2

Residential Services should standardise its financial operations so that it is the same for all houses and hostels.

This will be considered as part of the reform process.

Financial management in all houses has been reviewed. A financial management policy is being developed which will result in standardisation of all financial arrangements within disability services accommodation units.

Dell 7.3

All staff should have training in the values underpinning the DSA and the Standards.

Refer to comments against Recommendation 1.0.

Refer to comments against Recommendation 1.0.

Community Programs Branch
Disability Services 3.41 PM 5/03/96 Page 12

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