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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 3 Hansard (28 March) . . Page.. 854 ..


Government Response
Action taken
Dell 6.2

That when 6.0 and 6.1 are in operation Birralee should be sold and a six bedroom home be purchased for the use of children and adolescents from 6 to 18 years. Based on age usage rates.

Birralee as a centre-based respite facility is not appropriate for children. The Department is presently looking into other respite options. Final implementation will depend on the effectiveness of new proposals that may arise from implementing Recommendation 6.0 as above.

Negotiations are currently underway to replace the ten-bed Birralee facility with two six-bed houses.

It is proposed that one of these houses will be for younger children and one for adolescents. However, the final configuration of beds and access to them will be determined by individual client needs assessments and the availability of suitable accommodation.

Government Response
Action taken
Dell 6.3

That the ACT Government allocate funds for the provision of after school and school holiday programs for adolescents with a disability.

The allocation of funds for these services will need to be considered in the context of priority needs for accommodation and support services for people with disabilities and in the budget context.

The provision of a wider range of recreation and community access programs is a priority and will be addressed subject to funding availability.

Dell 6.4

That additional funds be provided to existing home based respite services, FaBRiC and ACT Respite to meet at least the high priority waiting list requirements.

Additional resources for respite care services are included in the 1994-95 Home And Community Care funding package which was announced following agreement to the proposals by the Commonwealth Minister for Human Services and Health.


Dell 6.5

That respite alternatives for adolescents and adults that offer individual and integrated support be considered for funding.

This has been done to some extent through the development of Individual Support Packages for people with high support needs. A future directions strategy for the delivery of respite care, community access and independent living skills training will be prepared in the regional context, focusing on an integrated approach to support arrangements.

Further work is progressing innovative ways to support families through respite, recreation and community access programs. Funding will be subject to the availability of funds through the Budget process.

Community Programs Branch
Disability Services 3.41 PM 5/03/96 Page 11

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