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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 3 Hansard (28 March) . . Page.. 856 ..


Government Response
Action taken
Dell 7.4

An audit of equipment and furnishings should take place in each house and hostel to ensure that a minimum standards of `hominess' is maintained.

In the regional structure it will be the responsibility of house managers to ensure that an annual review is conducted for each house, which includes an audit of equipment and furnishings to ensure they meet required standards. Clients, families and staff will be involved in the review.

Audits will be conducted in the near future to establish urgent needs within houses. A regular program of review will then commence to ensure houses are suitably furnished.

Dell 7.5

Reviews of all houses and hostels should occur on an annual basis. The review should involve residents, parents and staff. It would be the responsibility of the area coordinators to arrange and implement.

Refer to comments against Recommendations 1.0 and 7.4.

Individual client support plans will be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure that the needs of each person are being addressed within the house or hostel.

Refer to comments on Recommendations 1.0 and 7.4.

Individual client support plans will be reviewed in the context of individual needs assessment and future planning for individuals, (see comments against Recommendation 3.4) and will then be reviewed on a regular basis.

Dell 7.6

That negotiations commence between CIT and Residential Services to develop a course/model based on core competencies for Residential Services staff.

Community Programs Branch will cooperate with CIT to ensure that training is available for workers in disability services which is based on core competencies.

The Department has entered into an agreement with the Department of Urban Services Staff Development Unit to provide accredited training based on competencies, for disability support workers.

See comments against recommendation 1.1.

An entry level traineeship for disability support workers, based on nationally agreed competencies, has been negotiated and commenced on 30 October 1995.

Community Programs has membership on the CSH ITAB Standing Committee and the CIT Disability Studies Course Reference Group. This group provides advice to the CIT which is revising the courses in disability studies to align more closely with the national competency standards. Entry level trainees and other participants in the Community Programs course, will be able to articulate into the revised CIT courses at the next level from 1996 onwards.

Community Programs Branch
Disability Services 3.41 PM 5/03/96 Page 13

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