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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 1 Hansard (22 February) . . Page.. 235 ..

Mr De Domenico (continuing):

(1) Ross Begbie and Associates has been commissioned on an ongoing basis to undertake work analysis throughout the Works and Commercial Services Group.

(2) The consultant's charge is $1,200 per day.

(3) The consultant was commissioned as the specialist skills required were not available in the ACTPS and their use brings greater objectivity and independence to the task.

(4) No.

(1) Q Research and Marketing is commissioned on an ongoing basis to undertake an annual Works and Commercial Services Staff Attitude Survey.

(2) The cost for the 1995 survey, undertaken in December 1995, is expected to be approximately $8,500 depending on the number of returns by staff.

(3) The consultant was used as the specialist skills required were not available in the ACTPS and their use brings greater objectivity and independence to the task.

(4) No.

(1) Market Attitude Research Services for market research, particularly the running of focus groups.

(2) $10,000.

(3) It is imperative that market research, specifically market focus groups, are conducted without bias or interference from the organisation's personnel.

(4) No.

(1) Indec Pty Ltd to provide assistance with AS/ISO 9000 Quality System implementation.

(2) $8,336.

(3) Specialised knowledge of AS/ISO 9000 Quality certification to level necessary is not available within the ACT Public Service.

(4) No.

(1) Proposed consultancies include several to assist with organisational reform measures.

(2) Estimated cost $160,000.

(3) There is a requirement for specialist knowledge not available within the ACTPA. Their use brings greater objectivity and independence to the task. There is a lack of in-house resources which could be diverted to the particular high priority project. The ACTPS will benefit from the experience and practices employed in the private sector. They enable the prompt availability of a range of appropriate skills, knowledge and resources to participate in the tasks. They facilitate skills transfer through the acquisition of particularly relevant knowledge by ACTPS staff associated with the project.

(4) No.

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