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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 1 Hansard (22 February) . . Page.. 234 ..

Mr De Domenico (continuing):

(1) Oxley Corporate Finance Ltd was commissioned in September 1995 to provide advice on alternative financing options for passenger and light commercial vehicles.

(2) $50,000.

(3) Oxley was commissioned as the level of expertise required was not available within the ACTPS and the ACTPS should benefit from the experience and practices employed in the private sector.

(4) No.

(1) Det Norske Veritas (DNV) has been commissioned on an ongoing basis, since 1993, to provide 3rd Party Auditing services to Works and Commercial Services on a branch by branch basis.

(2) The annual fee for the periodical audits in each quality certified section is $2500. Since 22 November 1995 $2,500 has been paid to the consultant.

(3) A requirement of Quality Assurance Certification is that mandatory 3rd Party Audits are carried out by an independent, recognised accredited agency twice a year. Such an agency (certifying body) has to be accredited by the Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand (JAS-ANZ). There is only a limited number of these in Australia (approximately 15). Therefore DNV is used as these specialist skills are not available within the ACTPS.

(4) No.

(1) It is proposed to commission the Australian Organisation for Quality (AOQ) to provide auditor training to Commercial Services Branch staff to allow staff to meet the internal audit requirements of a Quality Assurance system.

(2) $4,600 for 20 participants on a two day course specifically designed to suit the needs and businesses of Commercial Services.

(3) This is specialist training utilising the work environment and processes used in individual business units. There is a lack of in-house specialist resources which could be diverted to the particular project.

(4) No.

(1) Chris Adams and Associates will be commissioned to develop and deliver financial management training to staff of Works and Commercial Services. Eight courses will be conducted for 160 staff in January to April and in June 1996.

(2) $27,000.

(3) There is a requirement for specialist financial management skills generally not available in the ACTPS, and there is a lack of appropriate in-house resources which could be diverted to the particular high priority project. The ACTPS will benefit from the experience and practices employed in the private sector and the training will also facilitate the acquisition of specialist skills by staff associated with financial management reforms.

(4) No.

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