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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 1 Hansard (22 February) . . Page.. 236 ..

Mr De Domenico (continuing):

(1) Clancy Computing - strategic issues for information Technology in City Services Group.

(2) Cost to date $19,250.

(3) Lack of in-house resources and expertise.

(4) No.

(1) Barbara Davis & Associates - each year since 1988 Floriade has been the subject of studies to investigate its success and to assist the Floriade Board of Management in their planning of future events. The purpose of the study is to:
- Estimate visitor numbers; and
- Determine a visitor profile, including demographic and geographic details.

(2) $12,400.

(3) Due to limited funds it has become accepted practice to conduct a smaller scale survey every alternate year, as in 1995. Barbara Davis & Associates have conducted the survey for the last four years this allows for consistent application of methodology. The firm requires minimal management resulting in a cost saving. It would cost between $3,000 and $4,000 for Strategic Development to manage the tender process for Floriade (cost recoverable from Floriade).

(4) No.

(1) CMPS&F Pty Ltd - the purpose of the consultancy is to undertake the 1995 Parking Survey. The consultancy involves a comprehensive survey of ACT parking facilities at Civic and the three Town Centres as well as analysis and preparation of a report. The survey provides critical data for planning future parking requirements and information on existing supply problems.

(2) $17,738.

(3) The surveys are conducted approximately every 2 years and all previous surveys have been contracted out. Existing staff are already extended and are inappropriately qualified for the design and analysis of surveys.

(4) No.

(1) Ross Patterson - assessment skills with families - initial caseworker training.

(2) $1,900.

(3) The use of a consultant to assist in the project is necessary due to the lack of in-house resources to deliver the training in a timely manner and the specialised skills are not available within the ACT Public Service (ACTPS).

(4) No.

(1) Cameron and Associates - presentation of winning the next job workshops.

(2) $8 600.00.

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