Page 2066 - Week 06 - Tuesday, 4 June 2019

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to be based in this new facility that will be purpose-built for creating, exhibiting, teaching and running community events.

Our creative industries are a key source of Canberra’s vibrancy and one of our strong suits in attracting more people to visit our great city. So we are investing in a new hub to showcase our arts and cultural scene and make it more accessible.

Investing in people for a brighter future

Investing in our people is just as important as investing in our city’s infrastructure and services. We are a prosperous city, but some people are still falling behind.

That is why we are stepping up our investment in early intervention to improve social connectedness, strengthen families and help end the stubborn disadvantage that persists through generations.

We will continue to grow our investment in support for Canberrans with disability, with the full scheme arrangements for the NDIS in place from 1 July 2019.

Over 6,800 Canberrans are now accessing tailored support through the NDIS, and our shared investment with the Commonwealth Government is projected to see another 500 Canberrans join the scheme over the next four years.

At the same time as we are growing our contribution to the NDIS, we will maintain existing disability services that are not eligible to be considered as in-kind contributions to the scheme from 2019 on.

This will ensure services like the Child Development Service, the Integrated Service Response Program and the Rehabilitation, Aged and Community Care supports remain free and accessible for Canberrans with disability who are not currently receiving an individual support package through the NDIS.

We introduced the Safer Families Levy in 2016 as part of our community-wide effort to tackle family and domestic violence. As the initial four-year programs reach completion, we are updating our approach in this Budget to continue the focus on front-line services whilst providing start-up funding for government agencies to test and demonstrate the practical potential of innovative new services.

New initiatives to be funded under this pilot approach in 2019 will focus on delivering family-centred responses for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families impacted by family violence; reducing the risk of deaths from family violence; supporting pregnant women at risk of domestic and family violence; extending the Room4Change program, which works with men who want to stop their use of violence and build healthy relationships; and training ACT Government front-line workers to respond to family violence.

The ACT Government has responded strongly to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sex Abuse by creating laws that make it the

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