Page 2065 - Week 06 - Tuesday, 4 June 2019

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a boost to the supports available for students with diverse needs, including those with disability.

With stage 1 of light rail to Gungahlin successfully up and running, we are turning our focus to delivering stage 2 to Woden. Canberra needs a clean, fast and accessible public transport network to help keep our city moving as we grow, and stage 2 will provide the southern spine for our integrated transport network.

Around 270,000 people will live, work or study within 800 metres of the city to Woden corridor by 2036. So this is an important investment we need to get on with now to deliver faster and better public transport in the future.

Through this year’s Budget we will progress detailed design, planning and enabling works for stage 2 of light rail from the city to Woden.

This will include starting work on a new Woden bus interchange to integrate with light rail, to ensure the project keeps moving ahead while we continue to engage with the Commonwealth Government and the Australian Parliament on the detailed route and approvals.

We will also progressively deliver 84 modern and fuel-efficient buses over the coming years to improve accessibility and passenger comfort on our new bus network.

And we will make it easier and safer to move around in the suburbs by upgrading key intersections across Canberra, duplicating the major arterial road between Belconnen and Gungahlin, upgrading the Monaro Highway and continuing our work planning to complete the duplication of Athllon Drive.

We are delivering our promised investment in a second Common Ground community housing complex in Dickson, building on the success of our city’s first Common Ground in Gungahlin.

The Dickson project will provide 40 housing units, as well as communal facilities and space for social enterprises. The Common Ground model provides intensive support to people who are experiencing, or at risk of, homelessness, as well as providing affordable rental accommodation for Canberrans on low incomes.

This sees us continue to build on the next stage of investment in public housing across our city. Through this Budget we will invest $100 million in a five-year program to deliver at least 200 more homes and renew another 1,000 properties across the city.

This investment will commence following completion of our major public housing renewal program by the middle of this year, which has seen 1,288 ageing public housing properties replaced with modern and energy efficient homes that better meet the diverse needs of our tenants.

We continue to invest in the arts. We are investing in a new cultural hub for our city, with the creation of the Kingston Arts Precinct. The precinct will add to the vibrancy of the Kingston Foreshore, with many of Canberra’s leading visual arts organisations

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