Page 2067 - Week 06 - Tuesday, 4 June 2019

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responsibility of every adult to make a report to authorities if they believe a child is subject to abuse.

Through this year’s Budget we will now introduce an intermediary scheme which will help vulnerable witnesses, including children and people with disability, to overcome the challenges they face being heard by the criminal justice system.

We are also working to reduce recidivism by providing real alternatives to prison and helping more detainees onto a better path for themselves, their family and the community, after leaving a custodial sentence.

This year’s Budget invests in a Justice Housing Service that will provide accommodation for women and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Canberrans to support them to live free of crime. At the same time, we are making a major investment in more police and a new approach to policing that will focus on crime prevention and disruption, helping to deliver on our goal of reducing recidivism by 25 per cent by 2025.

And we are strengthening our city’s emergency services by recruiting 36 new firefighters, and starting work on new combined fire and ambulance stations in the city and the Molonglo Valley.

These investments will help keep the ACT’s emergency response times some of the best in the country as our city continues to grow.

Investing in our environment and neighbourhoods

The ACT is Australia’s leader in tackling climate change and transitioning to a zero emissions future.

We are on track to be powered by 100 per cent renewable electricity within the next 12 months and we have set the ambitious target of achieving zero net emissions by 2045.

Through investments in the 2019 Budget, we will continue to support the achievement of our renewable electricity and emissions reductions targets and increase Canberra’s resilience to the impacts of climate change.

In the coming months we will release our new Climate Change and Living Infrastructure plans, mapping out the next phase of action to 2025.

Our first tranche of investment through these plans focuses on transport, reducing natural gas use and mitigating the heat island effect by increasing the tree canopy and other living infrastructure.

In particular, through this Budget, we are getting work underway to plant over 17,000 more trees in our city over the next four years, renewing Canberra’s urban forest and boosting our city’s green canopy.

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