Page 1914 - Week 05 - Thursday, 6 May 2010

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congratulations to Mr Corbell on the provision of that facility are warmly welcomed—

Mr Corbell: Yes, I don’t think he said a thing.

MR HARGREAVES: He said it with tongue firmly in cheek, I am sure.

Mr Corbell: Did he?

MR HARGREAVES: Well, there was something in his cheek. The list goes on. What is important is that the government’s priorities are clear and unambiguous. There is nothing clear and there is nothing unambiguous about those opposite. But our priorities are clear and unambiguous. Urban planning and the design for Erindale and Tuggeranong town centres will get a boost of $300,000. Traffic safety around schools across the territory gets a further $1.3 million and the operation of the Lakeside Leisure Centre next to Lake Tuggeranong is supported with over half a million dollars.

Just as importantly, community safety was again at the forefront of this budget with an additional funding of $9.175 million for the provision of 16 extra police officers. It would be an interesting number if the minister for police would actually work out how many police officers have been put on the beat by this government since we came to power.

Mr Corbell: 127.

MR HARGREAVES: I hear from the minister that it is 127. How about that? In percentage terms that would be significant. It would be awful—I would not want to be a shadow police minister, would you? No, not with those sorts of numbers.

Mr Corbell: It is just over 10 per cent.

MR HARGREAVES: Just over 10 per cent; well, what do you know? Mind you, I must say that they have been very quiet about their criticism of having extra police on the beat.

Mrs Dunne: Madam Assistant Speaker, this is not a conversation. This is a—

Mr Corbell: You just do not like it. You just do not like it.

MR HARGREAVES: Hello, Mrs Dunne’s back from having a Bex and a good lie down. That is good. Welcome back. Welcome back, Mrs Dunne.

Mrs Dunne: No. I was trying to think of ways of doing you slowly, sunshine.

MR HARGREAVES: Oh, cranky-pants has had her cranky pill again.

Mr Hanson: Fifteen-minute speeches—it is a long time without a drink, isn’t it, John?

MR HARGREAVES: It is. I shall have one. Thank you very much, Mr Hanson.

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