Page 1915 - Week 05 - Thursday, 6 May 2010

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Mr Hanson: Probably the longest you go without a drink every day, isn’t it?

MR HARGREAVES: You do try, don’t you? You do try. It doesn’t work. I have to say though that that sort of accusation coming across the chamber merely diminishes your standing across the rest of the place. It also occasionally diminishes the standing of this place, because most people expect more and better of their elected members than that sort of behaviour. However, if you want to try me out too, Mr Pratt, knock yourself out. If you want to go down in history about being the modern-day Steve Pratt, knock yourself out.

Mr Hanson: They’re proud of you.

MR HARGREAVES: One of these days, you know, you will upset me, but you have got a long way to go yet. I have been insulted by experts. I have been upset by experts and, Madam Assistant Speaker, Mr Hanson is not an expert.

Mr Hanson: We could save what you earn—about 120 a year. We could make a saving right now.

MADAM ASSISTANT SPEAKER (Ms Le Couteur): Mr Hanson, please let Mr Hargreaves speak in silence.

Mr Hanson: He is enjoying it.

MR HARGREAVES: Members will be aware of my commitment to the development of the southern cemetery and I am delighted to see the government respond to that commitment with an investment of $300,000 for advanced tree planting for the site.

I know, Madam Assistant Speaker, that you have an interest in the opinions of the territory’s youngest citizens. I am sure that they will tell you that the $1.2 million for playground safety upgrades is money well spent, and it is not good money after bad either. It is good money.

Importantly, the Murrumbidgee Country Club and the Yowani Country Club are being provided with combined funding of $300,000 for non-potable water projects. They have been asking for this for some time. Heritage sites are not forgotten, with $730,000 for upgrades and restoration. But like any narrative, it is important to leave the best until last. Here we go.

Can I say, members, that I am excited about the new breeding programs at Tidbinbilla for the Tasmanian bettongs and the grassland earless dragons. These will be established and, very importantly, the corroboree frog breeding program will be continued. That is good news. That really is good news.

Mrs Dunne: Are we going to have a safety switch this time?

MR HARGREAVES: Mrs Dunne displays her ignorance yet again. Finally, a measure that I have long believed necessary appears this year. It is the 12-month trial of a free annual collection of bulky waste for pensioners and concession cardholders.

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