Page 1913 - Week 05 - Thursday, 6 May 2010

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Mr Hanson: Don’t choke, mate.

MR HARGREAVES: Nothing worse than the flu, Jeremy—except being in opposition. I take it back.

Mr Hanson: When you are in government, I agree with that.

MR HARGREAVES: Suck it up and get used to it.

Mr Hanson: It is a flu on Canberra. You made it sick.

MR HARGREAVES: You know what it is? Even God does not like you—

Mr Hanson: Not particularly religious, John.

MR HARGREAVES: because he maintains you in purgatory forever. We have to acknowledge the $240,000 for the design of the pedestrian link across Drakeford Drive to improve the safety for students.

Just on that new school, I can report, particularly for the education of those opposite, that construction is going gangbusters. It is huge. This massive new building site—there is that word “massive” again—is a great reminder to my constituents of the government’s genuine commitment to developing education not only across the territory but particularly in the valley.

You may ask, Madam Assistant Speaker, whether the government’s spatial view of education stops there. It certainly does not. A further $250,000 is slotted for a feasibility study into expanding the range of learning services provided by the CIT learning centre in Tuggeranong.

There is a further $14.5 million over four years to support students and staff in three new schools, including the new Kambah P-10 school. But, of course, this government’s investment in Brindabella does not stop there. Let us not forget the $150,000 investment in road design for Ashley Drive between Erindale Drive and Johnson Drive.

This is another example of focusing on improving urban infrastructure and laying the groundwork for further improvement in road amenity for that part of Tuggeranong. Let us not forget that it was this government that duplicated Tharwa Drive and completed the duplication of Athllon Drive around the Tuggeranong town centre.

When I was sitting in the exact seat that Mr Hanson is sitting in, I was badgering the Liberal government to do that, and they did not do it. Now it is done. In addition, there will be a further $615,000 for new bridge screens to prevent rock throwing at vehicles on ACT roads and $200,000 for design work on Gudgenby bridge on the Naas Road to further assist those south of the Murrumbidgee River.

That commitment also extends to bushfire safety, as demonstrated by the $1.6 million over four years for the Tidbinbilla Rural Fire Service shed. Mr Smyth’s

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