Page 1698 - Week 05 - Tuesday, 4 May 2010

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Students with disabilities will receive additional support, with $1.6 million over four years to address a number of the recommendations contained in the Shaddock Review of Special Education.

The Swimming and Water Survival Skills initiative provides additional funding of $300,000 over four years for swimming lessons for primary school children who would not normally be able to participate because their parents are unable to afford the cost.

To support students and staff in the new Harrison High, Kambah Preschool to Year 10 and Gungahlin College, recurrent funding of $14.5 million over four years has been allocated.

Mr Speaker, new schools are needed as our population grows. Forward design will be undertaken for Franklin Early Childhood, Molonglo Primary and Bonner Primary Schools, with funding of $5.2 million. Funding of $5.3 million is also allocated to expand the Red Hill Primary School. A second gymnasium court is being funded at Harrison High School, with $2 million in 2011-12. To increase traffic safety around schools, $1.3 million has been also been provided.

An independent, statutory ACT Teacher Quality Institute is being established with $3.9 million in funding over four years. The Institute will oversee teacher registration and accreditation against nationally recognised standards.

Building on the ACT’s high standard of vocational education and training, further funding of $9.1 million over three years provides for 4,839 additional worker training places. This initiative is funded under the Productivity Places Program National Partnership.

The provision of publicly delivered vocational education and training programs through the CIT at Gungahlin has been strengthened, with funding of $3.3 million over four years. Funding of $250,000 has also been provided to investigate expanding CIT training services at Tuggeranong.

Transport for Canberra

Mr Speaker, an efficient and sustainable transport system is the cornerstone of any well functioning and connected city.

The 2010-11 ACT Budget provides a massive down-payment on the future of the Territory’s transport system through a comprehensive $97 million funding package for all modes of transport.

The Transport package outlines the Government’s vision for a sustainable transport system. It invests in new roads, transit ways, bus frequency and bus stations, road safety, new pedestrian and cycle paths, real-time passenger information, and park/bike-and-ride facilities for an efficient, reliable and integrated transport network to respond to the needs of our growing community.

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