Page 1699 - Week 05 - Tuesday, 4 May 2010

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Our new initiatives will reduce congestion, allow people to move around the city easily and safely and encourage sustainable transport choices. New roads, cycle ways, walking paths and pedestrian crossings, improvements to the bus system, and modelling for future transport needs are funded as part of the Transport for Canberra Plan with capital investment of $86.3 million over four years.

Significant investment is made in public transport to better connect our growing city. Network 10 will commence in October 2010 and Network 11 in July 2011, with $6.1 million over four years in funding. The REDEX pilot service is being incorporated into the permanent ACTION network.

This Budget includes funding of $2 million to improve bus services and facilities in the City. Three new major bus stations are also funded, including around $1.7 million for Gungahlin, $3.2 million for Erindale and $100,000 for a Barton bus station feasibility study.

An investment of $1 million is made for the installation of up to 50 bus shelters, and $1.8 million over three years for the Major Stops Program. New Park and Ride facilities will also be introduced at EPIC and Erindale with funding of $4.1 million over four years. Bike and Ride facilities are being established in Belconnen, Harrison, Phillip, Tuggeranong and Gungahlin, with funding of $700,000.

This Budget includes $12.5 million in funding for a Real Time Passenger Information System. An additional $600,000 over four years recurrent funding has been provided to operate the system which monitors the location of buses and displays this information at major stations.

Bus priority lanes will be introduced on Canberra Avenue with funding of $8.2 million over four years and on Northbourne Avenue, with a major bus station in Dickson through funding of $4.3 million over two years. This option is also being explored for Flemington Road with $750,000 over two years.

Funding of $7.3 million over two years also provides for Stage 1 of a transit way between the City and the ANU and minor bus priority works at the intersection of Haydon Drive and College Street.

The Transport for Canberra plan also includes an investment of $1 million for walking and cycling infrastructure and $3.5 million for path lighting in the city.

To meet growing demand on the Canberra road network, this Budget includes funding to increase the capacity and condition of roads. Funding of $1 million will upgrade the intersection at Phillip and Majura Avenue in Hackett, $7.2 million is provided to upgrade the Cotter Road between Tuggeranong Parkway and Yarra Glen and $7 million to upgrade the intersection at Barry Drive and Clunies Ross Street, along with a number of critical intersection upgrades.

A further $205,000 is being provided to undertake transport modelling for Woden and future Molonglo road developments. To improve safety on our roads, funding of $2.4 million over three years has also been provided for variable message signs.

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