Page 1697 - Week 05 - Tuesday, 4 May 2010

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An additional 22 sub-acute beds will be opened over the next four years through a $26 million Commonwealth investment, under the national health reforms. This will significantly expand sub-acute services.

To continue to meet the growth in demand for ongoing cancer care, additional funding of $4.2 million over the next four years has been allocated. This funding will enable the Capital Region Cancer Service to meet growth in demand in 2010–11.

The Budget also includes Commonwealth funding of $27.9 million over three years for a new Integrated Cancer Centre. The Centre will improve cancer services by integrating care into a patient centred facility.

Mental health remains a priority for the Government. Mental health services in the ACT will receive an extra $4.2 million over the next four years to help meet demand for services and support the mental health workforce. This funding will go towards promotion, prevention and early intervention, high quality community based clinical and psychosocial support services, community sector recovery and rehabilitation services, additional out of hours support and improve services for young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

A further $4.2 million over four years is allocated to measures aimed at preventing or reducing risk factors for chronic disease such as diabetes.

Home and Community Care is receiving additional funding of $9.5 million to assist frail older people and younger people with a disability to remain at home rather than entering an aged care or other residential facility. Additional funding of $4.2 million over four years is also provided for the Aged Care and Rehabilitation Service.

A number of new infrastructure projects support this Government’s commitment to rebuild our healthcare system to support our growing community.

In addition to the Integrated Cancer Centre, $14 million will fund the expansion and refurbishment of the Tuggeranong Health Centre.

The Capital Asset Development Plan is a blueprint for the redevelopment of the ACT health system. This Budget provides $19.1 million to further support the construction program needed to redevelop clinical services.

Education and Training

Mr Speaker, the education and training initiatives in this Budget further strengthen our schools, support students and teachers and provide additional opportunities to develop Canberrans’ skills. More funding is allocated for students with a disability, teachers, colleges and to support new schools.

In this Budget we are providing $1.1 million over four years to increase the participation of young people in education and training.

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