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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2000 Week 8 Hansard (31 August) . . Page.. 2846 ..

Principle Objectives

The objectives of the Buying Locally principle are:

to foster local businesses;

to encourage an increase in local industry capacity; and

the development of new industries.

3.6.1 Agency Responsibilities

Agencies are responsible for the establishment and maintenance of effective business relationships with all its suppliers. Agencies should actively develop long term relationships (partnerships) with a view to maximising the benefits to the ACT Government, local suppliers and the community.

Agencies should effectively communicate requirements such that suppliers have all the necessary information against which to best offer their products and services. Local goods and services should be considered the accepted option and steps taken to:

� actively seek out opportunities for local suppliers to bid for the order or contract;

� ensure purchasing practices, procedures and specifications do not disadvantage local suppliers;

� provide local suppliers with advanced notice of major purchases;

� provide opportunities where possible for local innovation and research based suppliers with export potential;

� support competitively priced quality endorsed local suppliers;

� foster good relations with local suppliers and industry bodies; and

� provide feedback to local suppliers to improve their competitiveness.

3.6.2 Benchmarks

The following purchasing benchmarks have been set to ensure that 'Local' suppliers are provided with the opportunity to quote for ACT Government business.


Quotation/Tender Value Quotation/Tender Source

Less than $2,000 Seek at least one quotation locally where no

applicable ACT Common Use Arrangement

(CUA) exists. (See Note 1 below)

Between $2,000 and $50,000 Seek at least three written quotations locally.

(where no applicable CUA exists)

Over $50,000 Advertise in the local newspapers (See Note 2


Over $ 1m Seek an Australian Capital Region Industry Plan

from tenderers


Quotation/Tender Value Quotation/Tender Source

Less than $5,000 No special requirements

Between $5,000 and $20,000 Seek at least one quotation locally

Between $20,000 and $50,000 Seek at least three written quotations locally

Over $50,000 Advertise in the local press (See Note 2 below)

Over $5m Seek an Australian Capital Region Industry Plan

from tenderers

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