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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2000 Week 8 Hansard (31 August) . . Page.. 2847 ..


Agencies are to regularly test the market (eg at least once per year) to ensure value for money is maintained;

Pre-qualification and restricted tendering is permitted under certain circumstances and only after appropriate approval. These circumstances could include where the requirement is regarded as complex but not well defined, a small number of suppliers is known to exist, or specialised expertise or services are required (eg contractors or consultants).

Additional Information

Guideline on Buying Locally.

3.6.3 Buyers and Sellers Information Service (basis)

The service, an ACT Government initiative, complements ACT Purchasing Policies and Principles by assisting Australian Capital (local) Region suppliers by advising them of business opportunities within this Region.

ACT agencies are to advertise their requirements through the basis service in conjunction with advertisements placed in local newspapers to ensure that local suppliers are made aware of ACT Government business opportunities.

Additional Information

Contact the basis helpline on telephone (02) 6207 7377 or view the information on the 'basis on the net' at

3.6.4 Capital Region Industry Plans (CRIPs)

The aim of Australian Capital Region Industry Plans (CRIPs) is to identify the potential enhancement of local region industry capabilities and the long term benefits to the region. Agencies should assess the information provided in each CRIP and the potential benefits should be taken into account as part of the overall evaluation of value for money. Agencies should seek guidance from the ACT Contracts and Purchasing to develop the CRIP.

Additional Information

Australian Capital Region Industry Plan Guideline.

3.7 Risk Management

Managing the risk associated with the purchase of goods and services is part of the broader risk management strategy that agencies are required to develop. A poor purchasing decision can adversely affect the agency's operations and service delivery. Risk management is a tool that can help us make better purchasing decisions. It benefits the Government, the Agency, the supplier, the community and their relationships.

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