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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2000 Week 8 Hansard (31 August) . . Page.. 2845 ..

3.5.3 Agency Responsibilities

ACT Government agencies shall when specifying and evaluating goods and services:

seek environmentally responsible goods and services that represent value for money;

utilise whole of life costing (value for money) criteria rather than just the initial purchase cost;

give due consideration to ECO labelling requirements, and the energy efficiency rating of products and buildings;

ensure that the capabilities of local business and industry producing environmentally responsible goods and services are taken into account;

comply with restrictions and phase out programs under ACT Government and Commonwealth laws on the use of products, in particular ozone depleting substances;

require suppliers to conform to standards, codes or legislation relating to safety and hazardous materials;

promote a reduction in the volume and nature of packaging-all packaging should be of recyclable, biodegradable and non-toxic material; and

minimise the use of non renewable resources and products from threatened environments or products likely to cause harm to the environment.

Environmentally Responsible Purchasing is one of the principles of the ACT Purchasing Policy which took effect from 1 January 1998.

Additional Information

Guideline on Environmentally Responsible Purchasing.

3.6 Buying Locally

Buying Locally Principle

ACT Government purchasing activities are to maximise the

opportunity for Australian Capital Region suppliers to compete for

the provision of goods and services, consistent with the purchasing

principles of value for money and open and effective competition.

The principle excludes the use of monetary or percentage preference schemes.

Australian Capital Region

The Australian Capital ('local') Region comprises the Australian Capital Territory and the 17 Shires and Councils as depicted in the following map:

Map not reproduced.

Firms operating and having an office/base in the area are regarded as 'local suppliers'.

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