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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2000 Week 8 Hansard (31 August) . . Page.. 2844 ..

officers should perform their task honestly, without favour or prejudice;

officers should ensure that public money is spent efficiently, effectively and in accordance with legal requirements and government policy;

officers should ensure they deal impartially and consistently with suppliers and observe confidentiality of all sensitive matters;

officers should offer a prompt and courteous response to all legitimate enquiries from potential or existing suppliers;

officers should ensure that private interests do not conflict, or appear to conflict, with their public duties;

officers should not solicit or accept any remuneration, gift, advantage or benefit except as may be permitted in the normal discharge of the duties of their office; and

officers should continually seek to develop and maintain levels of knowledge and skill commensurate with their responsibilities.

To establish a strong perception to external observers that processes are of the highest standards consideration could be given to engaging a probity auditor to observe and review a complex government project eg the procurement process for a lease or contract. Agencies can use probity auditors to verify that the processes followed are consistent with government regulations, policy, principles and best practice guidelines.

Agencies responsible for handling personal information in purchasing activities must also give full consideration to ensuring privacy protection, particularly when outsourcing services. ACT Government agencies must comply with the 11 Privacy Principles which are set out at Section 14 of the Privacy Act 1988.

Additional Information

� Guideline on Ethical Behaviour., Probity Audits in ACT Government Purchasing;

� ACT Public Sector Management Standards-Ethical Behaviour; and

� ACT Purchasing Circular 1999/3-Privacy Issues in ACT Government Purchasing.

3.5 Environmentally Responsible Purchasing

3.5.1 Environmental Statement

ACT Government purchasing activities are required, as part of

the 'value for money' assessment of offers, to give due

consideration to the purchase of environmentally responsible

goods and services.

3.5.2 Objectives

The objectives of the Policy are to:

� maximise the purchase of environmentally responsible goods and services;

� provide leadership to the community and business by encouraging the use of environmentally responsible goods and services; and

� minimise the environmental impacts of ACT Government purchasing.

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