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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1999 Week 6 Hansard (22 June) . . Page.. 1672 ..

It is the responsibility of the Cardholder to resolve matters of disputed billings.

For disputed billing's, Cardholders are to contact the supplier or AMEX on 1800230100. AMEX will place a temporary credit on the disputed amount until the issue is resolved.

All disputes recorded with AMEX will be pursued by AMEX until the matter is resolved.

If there is a dispute the Cardholder should notify the Card Administrator, Corporate Finance when the matter has arisen and when it is resolved.


Verifying officer's must ensure that Cardholder's return their cards on notice of resignation or transfer from the Chief Minister's Department.

Any Cardholder proceeding on any form of leave exceeding one month should hand in their cards to the Card Administrator, Corporate Finance, at least one week prior to departure.

Any cards returned or withdrawn should be cut clearly in two and forwarded for cancellation to the Credit Card Administrator, Corporate Finance.

Under any of the preceding circumstances, the Verifying Officer should ensure that the Cardholder provides a statement of all outstanding ACTCCC transactions together with all relevant documentation.


* The ACTCCC is issued for official purposes only. Misuse of the card will result in disciplinary action and possible criminal prosecution.

* A Cardholder is responsible for all purchases on his or her card. Under no circumstances should a Cardholder permit another person to use his or her credit card or credit card number to make a purchase.

* Misuse or fraudulent use of the ACTCCC may result in disciplinary action under provisions of the Public Sector Management Act 1997 being brought against the offending officer.


The Deputy Commissioner of Taxation has ruled that Sales Tax exemptions apply to purchases made through usage of an ACTCCC.

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