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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 14 Hansard (12 December) . . Page.. 5126 ..

That is, Mr Speaker, the Review did not disaggregate college data from high school data. National standards against which colleges can be compared do not yet exist.

However, the Government has developed efficiency, effectiveness, and timeliness performance measures for colleges as part of the financial management reform process. And the COAG Framework provides a useful model against which ACT colleges' future performance can be measured.

Mr Speaker, since the Auditor General's Report, Government has made significant improvements to college education in the ACT. We have enhanced its effectiveness as well as its efficiency.

We have responded in positive, pragmatic terms to the Auditor General's recommendations, which have, in some instances, complemented Government measures already in train.

And we will continue to examine the delivery of all school education to identify further improvements.

I commend the Government's Response to the Public Accounts Committee's Report on Government Secondary Colleges to the Assembly.



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