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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 14 Hansard (12 December) . . Page.. 5125 ..

community about the effectiveness of capping enrolments as a means of managing shifting enrolments.

Two principles seem to be in conflict in relation to this issue.

These are, the principle of parent and student free choice of school, and the principle of overall system management and distribution of places to provide more even access to college education across the ACT.

The Ministerial Advisory Council continues to examine in greater detail, the overall patterns of enrolment growth, decline and movement across the ACT.

Mr Speaker, I move finally to the Committee's request for plans for measuring college performance in the light of the 1995 COAG Review of Commonwealth/State Provision.

The COAG Review measured the effectiveness of school education systems using indicators related to student outcomes, social equity objectives, and efficiency.

The COAG framework is a useful model against which ACT colleges can monitor performance. However, it is difficult to compare ACT colleges with COAG national data, as the national data combines colleges and high schools.


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