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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 14 Hansard (12 December) . . Page.. 5123 ..

In other words, it is proposed that particular colleges will specialise in specific vocational education courses.

And, Mr Speaker, these courses will be nationally accredited, with the ACT accreditation process streamlined, to avoid duplication of accreditation effort.

The Committee also called for advice on the implications of the introduction of enhanced school based management.

Enhanced school based management will provide an incentive for the better use of teaching resources.

Under enhanced school based management, colleges will have greater flexibility to use resources in a manner most appropriate to student needs.

School Based Management is an important initiative within the Government reform framework. It puts resource decision making closer to schools, clearly identifies running costs for communities, and improves accountability for schools.

School Based Management also encourages school communities to focus on achieving operational savings to use for student learning.


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