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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 14 Hansard (12 December) . . Page.. 5122 ..

Following the Auditor General's Report, the staffing entitlement for colleges was reduced by the equivalent of 28 teaching positions in the 1995-96 Budget. This was effective from the beginning of the 1996 school year.

And a subsequent review of class sizes reveals an 8% increase in student/teacher ratios in secondary colleges compared with 1995.

In addition, the Government is continuing to work with the community to investigate ways of reducing duplication of college courses, and of improving consistency of standards across the system.

College curriculum structures and standards are currently under review. The aim of this review is to introduce standard course structures, and to minimise duplication between colleges by introducing courses which are common across the system.

Mr Speaker, changes are also being made to the accreditation of vocational education courses, consistent with national standards.

Consistent with the Commonwealth initiative to redirect some vocational education and training funds to schools, it is proposed that colleges also collaborate to minimise duplication of vocational education courses.


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