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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 14 Hansard (12 December) . . Page.. 4907 ..

MR MOORE (continuing):

(aa) the lessee of the land applies to the Executive for the grant of a further rural lease of the land for the same purposes;".

Page 10, line 34, proposed section 171A, add the following proposed subsection:

"(5) The Executive shall not grant a further lease under this section if the existing lease was granted under this section.".

They apply the same argument to rural leases.

Amendments negatived.

Clause agreed to.

Clause 35

MR MOORE (10.55): Mr Speaker, I seek leave to move my amendments Nos 11 and 12 together.

Leave granted.

MR MOORE: I move:

Page 11, lines 4 to 7, paragraphs (a) and (b), omit the paragraphs.

Page 11, line 26, paragraph 35(h), after proposed subsection 172(3) insert the following proposed subsection:

"(3A) Where -

(a) a further lease for commercial purposes, or for purposes including commercial purposes, is granted under subsection (1); and

(b) the further lease is granted for a term exceeding the term of the existing lease;

the fee payable under paragraph (1)(g) is the amount equal to the change of use charge that would be payable under subsection 184A(1) if the existing lease were to be varied to extend the term of the lease by the period by which the term of the further lease exceeds the term of the existing lease.".

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