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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 14 Hansard (12 December) . . Page.. 4906 ..

MR MOORE (continuing):

see the possibility, within the time, of being able to undo the damage that a former Liberal government did under John Gorton in taking away a rental system associated with our lease system.

Mr Speaker, in our very broad community we are looking at different taxation systems. Indeed, a Liberal government not so long ago proposed a different form of taxation. Some argue, although I disagree with them, that that is why they lost an election. There will be a time when we need to look at revenue, and we will need to continue looking at our leasehold system and what is the best way to get revenue from it. I will talk more about that when we get to the commercial section because I think that is where we have a particularly good opportunity to look at revenue for the Territory. Mr Speaker, at this stage I propose that we do not put into place such a long-term solution, but rather leave it open for further debate about opposite alternatives. That is what I have suggested doing, Mr Speaker, and I understand that the coalition is not going to accept that.

Amendment negatived.

MR MOORE (10.53): I move amendment No. 8 circulated in my name, which reads:

Page 10, line 10, paragraph (f), proposed subsections 171(2) to (4), add the following proposed subsection:

"(5) The Executive shall not grant a further lease under this section if the existing lease was granted under this section.".

Mr Speaker, this is the once only provision. I do not need to speak to it again.

Amendment negatived.

Clause agreed to.

Clause 34

MR MOORE (10.54): Mr Speaker, I seek leave to move my amendments Nos 9 and 10 together.

Leave granted.

MR MOORE: I move:

Page 10, lines 16 and 17, proposed paragraph 171A(1)(a), omit the proposed paragraph, substitute the following proposed paragraphs:

"(a) the term of a rural lease is to expire within a period of 30 years;

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