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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 13 Hansard (5 December) . . Page.. 4504 ..


130. (1) Subject to subsection (3), a licence granted under the former Act and in force immediately before the commencement day continues in force after that day -

(a) for the remainder of the period for which the licence would, but for this Act, have remained in force; or

(b) until the next anniversary of the date of birth of the licensee;

whichever is the lesser period.

(2) The former Act continues to apply in relation to a licence continued in force under subsection (1) as if the former Act had not been repealed.

(3) Where a person holds more than 1 licence of the kind to which subsection (1) applies, each of those licences shall be deemed to be renewable on the earliest of the dates for renewal of those licences.

Extended application of section 37

131. If a licence renewed under section 49 of the former Act and continued in force under subsection 5(1) of this Act expires -

(a) before the next anniversary of the date of birth of the licensee after the commencement date - the Registrar may, despite section 37 of this Act, issue a licence under that section for a period exceeding 5 years.

(b) after the first anniversary of the date of birth of the licensee after the commencement date - the Registrar may, despite section 37 of this Act, issue a licence under that section for a period less than 5 years.

Pending applications for licences

132. An application for a licence made under a repealed provision of the former Act that was not finally determined before the repeal of the provision by this Act is cancelled and does not have any operation with respect to this Act.

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