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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 12 Hansard (21 November) . . Page.. 4237 ..

currently faced by the exposure to a compensation claim and likely common law action from a non-ACT injured worker.

These financial benefits will apply to all Australian workers' compensation jurisdictions as the " cross border" legislation is designed to provide workers' compensation coverage by the one policy in the worker's (or employer's) "home" Territory or State.

As for the provision of compensation, the current coverage will be expanded to include ACT workers temporarily working interstate or overseas, and to compensate a worker, who is not an ACT worker, if that worker is injured in the ACT, is not a worker of any other Territory or State, and is not entitled to any compensation for the injury under a law of a place outside Australia.

This Bill, which I present to the Assembly, is a very simple but significant improvement to the ACT workers' compensation scheme and in conjunction with other Australian jurisdictions, will deliver significant cost savings for all Australian employers while providing a fair and equitable compensation scheme for injured workers in the ACT and elsewhere.

I commend the Bill to the Assembly.


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