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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 12 Hansard (21 November) . . Page.. 4236 ..

The proposed amendments are based on those agreed by the NSW Parliament and agreed to in principle by the other jurisdictions and will:

. maintain the "status quo" in the ACT in requiring an ACT workers' compensation policy to cover an employer's common law liability, and to ensure both statutory and common law benefits are available to ACT workers;

. simplify workers' compensation arrangements for employers who have interstate workers as recommended, and agreed to by the Government, in the Red Tape Task Force report; and

. remove inequities, which disadvantage the ACT scheme, that occur under the present Act.

The introduction of the proposed amendments has no financial implications for the ACT Government. However, savings in premiums will be available to ACT employers, who are currently required to take out multiple workers' compensation cover for their employees who work in the ACT and interstate.

Savings should also be available to ACT insurers as interstate workers, injured while employed in the ACT, will claim compensation in their home State and not the ACT. ACT insurers may receive less revenue through a reduction in premium from non-ACT employers, but it is expected this will be more than offset by reduced administration and compensation costs

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