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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 12 Hansard (21 November) . . Page.. 4200 ..

Mr Humphries (continuing):

Part 2 (k) is there a "system ombudsman" with powers to investigate the system at any time;

The AFP - No.

The Emergency Services Bureau - responsibility of the Communications Manager.

The ACT Department of Housing - No.


Waste Management - No.

Casino Surveillance Authority - the Authority has power under the Casino Control Act 1988 to investigate any Casino operational matter.

Canberra Institute of Technology - each Campus Manager, together with the Operations Manager, have the sole responsibility for the system and its access.

Department of Health - have no system ombudsman.

Part 2 (l): what are the features of the equipment (for example: recording, zoom, tilt, pan);

AFP - City Police Station cameras can record but the function is not used. The cameras can also zoom, tilt and pan. At the Winchester Centre the cameras record to video tape.

The Emergency Services Bureau - cameras are a fixed system monitor with no ability to record.

The ACT Department of Housing - camera is movement activated and automatically rewinds the video when it is full.

ACTION - most cameras are fixed but some do swivel. All cameras have the ability to record.

Waste Management - the cameras have a fixed focus and record all within their vision.

Casino Surveillance Authority - cameras are a mix of fixed black/white and colour with the ability to pan, tilt and zoom in the gaming areas. Input from every camera is recorded with tapes being kept for 7 days.

Canberra Institute of Technology - all cameras record and some have limited zoom capability.

Department of Health - eleven cameras have fixed focus, one of which has the function of record. The remaining seven cameras are not further described other than they have the function of record.

The ACT Legislative Assembly - cameras can pan, tilt, and zoom. They can record 24 hours a day.

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