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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 12 Hansard (21 November) . . Page.. 4197 ..

Mr Humphries (continuing):

The ACT Department of Housing - Department of Housing staff (2 persons).

ACTION - ACTlON's Transport Officers.

The Casino Surveillance Authority - Casino Canberra's Surveillance Department and the Casino Surveillance Authority.

Waste Management - monitored by weighbridge operators on site and ACT Waste management staff.

Canberra Institute of Technology - Campus managers.

Department of Health - Reception, nursing staff, security.

The ACT Legislative Assembly - two attendants during business hours.

Part 2 (f): what protocols and procedures are in place for the management of the system;

The protocols and procedures are listed below. It should be noted that the cameras at the Emergency Services Bureau do not have the ability to record.

AFP - normal security procedures.

The Emergency Services Bureau - responsibility of the Communications Centre manager.

The ACT Department of Housing - checked every three or four days. Turned on from 5pm to 8am. Activated by movement and automatically rewinds when the video is full.


Waste Management - no protocols. Procedures are in place for collection, storage and reviewing prior to be recycled through the system.

The Casino Surveillance Authority - a detailed procedures manual developed by the Casino's Surveillance Department and approved by the Casino Surveillance Authority. A code of conduct on the use of the system is also in place.

Canberra Institute of Technology - tapes are only viewed if an incident is reported and access and viewing of the tapes is limited to a "needs to know" basis. The recorded tapes are kept for a period of four weeks and then erased.

Department of Health - visual monitoring with recording on weekends.

The ACT Legislative Assembly -no protocols. Management of the system involves the changing of the tapes daily by attendants during business hours and a private security firm on weekend and public holidays. The tapes are stored in the attendant's station - a secure area out of business hours.

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