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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 12 Hansard (21 November) . . Page.. 4196 ..

Mr Humphries (continuing):

Waste Management - installed to provide an audit of transactions, to allow the weighbridge operator to inspect registration numbers and contents of loads and to protect access to the weighbridge from the rear. They are still used for those purposes.

The Casino Surveillance Authority - to monitor gaming activity and public entry. They are still used for that purpose.

The Canberra Institute of Technology - reduction of theft and tracking of offender movement. Use has not altered since installation apart from increasing the coverage of cameras as an additional safety measure for staff and students.

Department of Health - identification of staff and visitors, safety of clients, staff and assets.

At the Xavier building (Calvary Hospital) the cameras were originally installed to assist people requiring after hours emergency care ( prior to 1991 the Emergency Section of the Hospital only operated between 8.00am and 10.00pm). The Emergency care section is now open 24 hours and the use of the cameras will be reviewed after an upgrade of lighting and signage.

At the Marian Building (Calvary Hospital) cameras were originally installed to allow expectant mothers to gain entry to the maternity ward.

Cameras fitted to the Emergency Department of Calvary Hospital are to alert the triage sister to incoming ambulances. The cameras have a security function for staff also.

The ACT Legislative Assembly - security and protection against vandalism.

Part 2(d): has the system been subjected to a trial and; if so, what are the results of the trial;

The AFP - No trial.

The Emergency Services Bureau - No trial.

The ACT Department of Housing - No trial.

ACTION - No trial.

Waste Management - No trial.

The Casino Surveillance Authority - No trial.

The Canberra Institute of Technology - No trial. Able to draw on the experience of other comparable institutions.

Department of Health - No trial.

The ACT Legislative Assembly - No.

Part 2(e): who monitors the system;

AFP - AFP personnel.

The Emergency Services Bureau - Communications Centre staff.

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